Saturday, March 12, 2011

Food Critic = Food Critic

Have a picky eater in your home? I have a new solution! Start a fun family tradition. Whenever a "new" food is introduced have your children "review" it. You can even chime in.

1. Study the food's appearance (color, size, shape and creating a hypothesis of what it will taste like).

2. Take a bite and discuss the texture (mushy, solid, crunchy or smooth).

3. Take a 2nd bite and discuss taste (ban words like "yucky" "gross") Instead ask, is this food bitter, salty, spicy, sweet. "Which of your friends would like this food?"

4. Close eyes and give it a thumbs up or down (parents peek). If thumbs down, child doesn't have to eat it. Thumbs up equals a full serving.

Our family loves watching cooking & baking shows. Creating a "show" at home (like Bella & did with Iron Chef) is just another way to get our children to eat healthy foods and enjoy eating at home.