Monday, June 16, 2008

Peppermint Bark

So the easy way is to melt a pound of white chocolate over a double boiler (or just rest a metal bowl with 2 packages of white chocolate chips in it over boiling water). Keep CONSTANTLY stirring the chips until it's completely melted! IF THE BOWL GETS TOO HOT, THE CHOCOLATE WILL DRY OUT! Medium high heat will suffice.Break up a package of peppermints like the kind they give away at restaurants into tiny chips. Melt the chocolate completely, then sprinkle in 1 tsp. of peppermint extract and all the peppermint chips, even the tiny peppermint dust left over. Mix it all up, keep cooking and stirring for another minute, then spread into a rimmed cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. If you're using a metal spatula, give it a spray of Pam or dust it with butter first.If you don't have a rimmed cookie sheet, have no fear! You can use a glass pie pan, muffin tins, or anything with walls that you can use to control the melted chocolate. Make sure whatever it is has parchment paper on it.Stick it in the fridge for an hour, then take it out, break it up and stick it in jars. If you're me, you'll also spray paint the lids in a kicky shade of green and wrap them with a matching ribbon. But it's optional.